a Few photos of this year’s Foxwoodfees.

Jan Groenewald & Chris Van der West in ‘ Leonardo se Poort ‘.

The wonderful Malané Hofmeyr Burger ( flautist ) & James Grace ( Guitarist ) after their concert.

Prof. Irma Eloff speaking at the opening of the Elize Botha book collection.

Theresa Du Preez enjoying some champagne after weeks of preparations .

Distinguished guests dining under the trees.

Our guest chef, Carla Carr Bright and our Foxwood chefs, Pulet & Loveness.

Jan Groenewald, enjoying the festivities.

Brümilda Van Rensburg with Hannes Van Wyk, after his show, ‘Se groete vir Ma’.

At the opening of the art exhibition by Leonie Scholtz.
Left to right: Jan Groenewald, Coenraad Rall, Amanda Stydom, Leonie Scholtz, Anet Pienaar-Vosloo & Pieter de Vos.

Chris Van der West, playing the Celtic Harp at Christine Basson’s Memorial.

The brilliant Emma Van Heyn.

Pops Mohamed had his audience under a musical spell!

Tina Beckbessinger from ‘a 1000 Lives’, with a painting of her donor.